Chris Marin
What do you do?
I am an artist who paints in watercolour, acrylic, mixed media, walnut oil and cold wax and oil. I also love printmaking and making tiles in clay. For many years I also enjoyed stringing beads and making lost wax cast rings and pendants.
What is your favourite part of your job?
The creative process is what I love, the surprise that comes from seeing the finished piece when I allow the painting to evolve one brush stroke at a time.
What product or service do your customers really love?
For many years people were drawn to buy my intuitive watercolour paintings. I have been teaching this method for about twenty years, and it continues to draw many who like the freedom and playfulness of it. Over the past couple of years I have sold quite a few non-objective and abstracted land-, sea- and city-scapes in acrylic and walnut oil.
Favourite local spot?
We are drawn to Sunset Point Park, Clerkson’s and both Azzura and Tesoro. I also have to mention how much my whole family loves Morrison’s Pumpkin Farm, Goldsmith’s, Grandma Lambes and the Collingwood Saturday market.
See more art by Chris Marin and connect with Chris at chrismarinartist.ca